Sunday, February 13, 2011

Better Childcare through Cabernet Sauvignon

Either Nella was very tired tonight or I tell much better stories after a couple glasses of wine. She fell asleep after only 3 tales (one about a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly, one about a unicorn that makes a homemade birthday cake and one about a gardener that sings to his plants).

Our week together is drawing to a close. As much as I will miss her, for her sake I am glad her Mama and Daddy will be back tomorrow. She misses them, even when she can't always articulate it and I think she is quite ready for things to return to normal.

But just before she fell asleep tonight she rolled over and put her hands on my face and said "you're my sweetiest Sara in the whole wide world"-then she hugged me and kissed me and rolled back over. Honestly, what more does anyone need?

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