Thursday, February 10, 2011

You can build the cat a road, but you can't make him use it...or can you?

Okay...last story for today.

After Nella's bath, when she knew bedtime was imminent, she started to get a bit wound up. I think bedtime is when she misses mama and daddy the most so I have been trying to just let her get good and tired before I insist she get in bed-even if that means she wreaks a little havoc on the house.

Tonight she took the roll of toilet paper from the bathroom and told me she was going to "build a road". She unrolled it from the bathroom door all the way through the kitchen, down to her bedroom door. She showed me how to walk on it, and I oooh'd and ahhh'd at her fine engineering. She walked back towards the bathroom and saw Jerry (the cat) sitting and watching her.

She walked over and bent down near him and said "Jerry, wanna walk on my road?" Jerry didn't move so she walked around behind him and and booted him in the bum while yelling at the top of her lungs "Jerry! Jerry!"

As you might expect, this scared the pants off of Jerry. He leapt up (and I use the word 'leapt' loosely as this cat is the size of a small barge and doesn't do anything with excessive speed) and ran down the hall toward Nella's room. As luck would have it, he managed to run right along the great TP highway.

Nella jumped up and down and said "Yay Jerry, you did it. You used my road!"

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