Friday, February 11, 2011

Tall Tales

Nella was a bit more anxious today. I think she was tired from a long week of school and adjusting to the changes of having me around full-time. While she doesn't say she misses her Mama and Daddy there are many ways she lets me know how much she really does.

She won't let me sing certain songs. If it is a song that Jessica sings, it's totally off limits for me. Sometimes she tells me that her mommy sings that one so I can't but sometimes she just looks at me and says "Um, Sara? My babies (her dolls) don't like that song very much. Could you try a different one?"

She also tells me lots of stories about Mama and Daddy. Today she told me about a time that she and Jess and AJ went hiking and there were all these small pools of water on the ground. She stepped in one and got wet so her Daddy came over and picked her right up and carried her over the puddles and then went to his work garage and got some long cables and built a bridge over all the puddles so no one would have to get wet.

I asked her if Daddy wore a cape too and she said "No, he wears a hard hat". It's a relief to me that as smart as she is, she hasn't quite learned to speak sarcasm.

And I know that when Mama and Daddy get home and things get back to normal, she's gonna miss me too.

'Cause I'm the one who gives her double-stuffed oreos in ice cream for dessert. :)

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