Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My own Florence Nellagale

Nella and I had a bonus night together with Jess and AJ's delayed arrival home. I think she had a very late nap at school so she wasn't ready to go to bed until later than usual. We went through our routine of dinner, dessert, bath, books (I got her Big Dog, Little Dog-one of my favorites!) and finally...well, if you've ready any of these posts you know what came next -Stories!

I've been fighting a little cold that Nella shared with me and by last night I was exhausted and losing my voice. I could sing her a bit of Toora Loora Looral in a frightful falsetto, but storytelling was severely compromised. She insisted that I lay next to her, on the floor-she even gave me a pillow for my head. I made it through a couple of lame stories and finally had to tell her Auntie Sara was out of commission. She said okay, but asked that I stay in her room. Then she offered me her sippy-cup of water to help my throat and sang me a little song about 5 little chickadees and something that had the chorus of "polly wolly doodle all the day". When she was done singing she rolled over and rubbed my back a little bit. A few minutes later she rolled over again and said "I hope you feel better tomorrow".

And then, with barely a whisper, she said "Good Night".

There isn't any medicine in the world better than that.

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