Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where you least expect it...

I love my nieces and nephew and I'd do just about anything for them, but loving a child is monumentally different than living with one. Nowhere is this more evident to me than in the two objects that seem to be in every nook and cranny of Nella's house.

Plastic cups and packages of wipes.

The plastic cups doesn't really surprise me. Nella lugs them around and leaves them in all kinds of places. But the wipes? Well, that has thrown me for a loop. I find packages of wipes in places it never would have occurred to me to NEED a package of wipes. My sister is an amazing mom so I trust that she has organized her life with Nella to make things easy and manageable. But seriously... There are three packages in the Master bedroom. Two in the guestroom. Living room, kitchen, bathroom...on the porch.

I even found a package in my car.

And the thing is... I didn't put it there.

It's like the Wet Wipes fairy knows I am babysitting and bestowed upon me my very own supply.

1 comment:

  1. Just to clarify....NELLA lugs the wipes around as well. Each morning she brings in a diaper and a package of wipes so we can change her diaper. Sometimes I forget to put them back, other times I am just too tired to care.
