Monday, February 14, 2011

Last "Going To School" Story

Let me preface this by saying that I told Nella a story this morning about a kangaroo and a dingo that decided to race to Sydney. They crossed the finish line at the exact same time-it was very dramatic-and ended up sharing first place. I think that may have planted the seed for the following conversation. Ok...

The crosswalks in Middlebury are made of red brick and make a very distinct pattern in the road. As we drove to school this morning Nella saw one and said "Look Sara, it's a finish line. And there's another finish line...and another one!" (There are a lot of crosswalks in Middlebury!) She had been at the Leaf Peepers Half Marathon finish line this past October when I limped after she pointed out all the 'finish lines' in Middlebury she said:

"It's like your finish line when we cheered for you. And then did you have to go lay down and rest somewhere?"

I told her I wanted to (and oh sweet Jesus, how I wanted to ...) but that I had driven back to her house and then we all went out to the dropzone and Daddy and I went skydiving. She said " You did! And Nella too. And Milstone was there and he gave me cookies!"

I asked her if they were yummy cookies and she said "No, I don't like yummy cookies." So I asked what kind of cookie she did like and she said "Ummm ... chocolate."

So time you talk to Milstone could you make sure he knows Nella doesn't like
'yummy cookies' only 'chocolate' ones.

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