Friday, February 11, 2011

Seat Filler

After dinner, Nella was playing with some little dishes that my parent's keep in the dry sink just for the kids. She had made "blueberry pie" and "pumpkin pie" and had served us each a piece. When she was ready to sit down and enjoy her own slice of pretend pie, she came into the kitchen and pulled herself up in Ya-Ya's chair and announced "I got a little poop". After I verified this was indeed true, I asked her to please hop down from her chair so we could go change her diaper. Just then my mom walked in, so I gave Nella an option: "Do you want Ya-Ya to change you or do you want me to?" Nella adores her Ya-Ya-and I figured she may be a little bored with me so I thought for sure she would choose Ya-Ya.

She got out of her chair and went over to Ya-Ya and took her hand. I smiled a small, victorious smile thinking I had escaped the doodie duty.

But Nella took Ya-Ya's hand and led her to the chair and said "Will you save my seat for me?" and then ran into the living room, looking expectantly at me over her shoulder.

That Nella, she's a corker.

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