Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will you tell me a story?

Nella is really into hearing stories these days. She doesn't wants books or songs at bedtime-just stories. When I ask her what kind of story she wants, she usually answers "a story about your work." I work at a small liberal arts college. Don't get me wrong-the antics of college students make for great stories-just not for a two yr. old. So I usually incorporate cute animals-squirrels, cats, bunnies, ladybugs...sometimes unicorns. I usually send them on some kind of adventure, where they get to save the day or learn a good lesson-and it always has a happy ending. But my skills are limited.

Last night she had a hard time falling asleep. I tried singing, reading Curious George ... and making up stories. Every time I thought she was out, I would start to get up and she would pick up her head and say "Could you tell me another story?" No joke - I told stories for almost an hour. I was seriously running out of material. Finally, in the midst of a great tale about a ladybug with magical powers who saved her whole town from a flood, she drifted off to sleep.

Bright and early this morning Nella came into my room and crawled into bed with me. She snuggled down under the covers and asked me to wrap my arms around her. She said "I love to cuddle up with you Auntie Sara, I just love you." I smiled-and as I closed my eyes, hoping to get just a wee bit more sleep she said:

"How about you tell me a story for a couple whiles?"


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