Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The 'Post' Post

One last post - the 'post' post, if you will-at least until I am asked to be Auntie-In-Charge again someday.

First, a few people have asked for pictures of the infamous spaceship. It was fun to build (despite the fact that my talents lie in education, not engineering) and it occupied a large part of our playtime ...errr... rather we occupied it.
The base was the box that held my little Weber grill-which oddly enough, has a flying saucer-esque quality to it. Nella would point to them and say "Look Sara, MORE spaceships."

Left to right: The radio, the Jigg-a-ma-whizzer (Cat in the Hat reference), and the steering wheel. The top button turned on the in-flight music, the next one was the turbo booster, the third gave us ham sandwiches and the last one gave us hot cocoa. I did not make those up. Nella did.

And lastly, part of any experience for me is taking the time to reflect. So here are a few of the things I've discovered along the way:

1. Childcare is hard work. I knew my sisters were amazing moms, but my respect for them has only deepened. And for those of you raising children on your own-I am not being overly dramatic when I say that your efforts are heroic.

2. I've done so much technical writing or academic writing in the past few years, I forgot how much fun it was to write just for...well...fun. Nella's antics made blogging easier to do, but I look forward to doing this again soon. Maybe as I learn to skydive this summer...

3. Gandhi said "the law of love could best be understood and learned through little children". Nella, Evan and Callie show me this is true every time I am with them. It remains one of my deepest hopes that I have the chance to raise a child of my own someday.

4. Last but not least-Nella takes pretty good pictures for a two and half year old. Case in point:

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